Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby Number Three...

I've taken so long to post this announcement that most of you probably already know that we're having another baby boy! Despite my expression in the picture above, I really am excited. It just took me a while to get there! It's not that I didn't want a boy, I love boys, (especially mine!) but it would have been so new and exciting to have a girl. If all goes as planned, this will not be our last baby and I still have a chance to get a little girl too.
Anyway, it's sooo nice to finally know the gender of my little baby. He finally feels real to me, and we can start calling him by his name which is better than "the baby". We've decided to name him Hunt William Garrett. I'm so in love with his name!
Now that school is out and we know Hunt is a boy, Tyler and I have been working on all of the projects we've been wanting to do to get the house organized and ready for our family with three kids. We are creating an office space in the loft upstairs, adding shelving in the laundry closet for my crafting supplies, updating Brigham's bedroom, and putting together yet another little boy nursery (it's going to be simple, but awesome!). I will try to post some braggy pictures of our finished spaces as we complete each project, so stay tuned!

Made by Lena