Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What a Mess!

I just had to post these pictures of my two mischievous little boys. We made the mistake of giving Brigham a taste of brown sugar and now we have a sugar addict on our hands! I don't blame him... that stuff is good! He has gotten into the brown sugar before; he once ate it in the living room and spread the mess all over! I was so mad. This time though, he brought Taft into the fun and all I could do was laugh. I should have known that they were up to something by the
absolute silence I heard as I descended the stairs to check on
them. So the sugar has been relocated and we're rethinking our baby-proofing methods, but you know they'll just find something else to get

into. I must sound like an absolutely absent mother who never watches after her children... it's not true! My boys and I are together about 99.9% of the day, but a girls gotta shower! Any ideas on how to keep these stinkers out of trouble while I bathe?


Jodi and Jason said...

let me know if you figure out how to keep them out of trouble! This morning Jack got a pan of cake and a steak knife out of the sink and then came and got me while I was getting dressed and asked me to cut it! boys, boys, boys!!! ahh! Anyway, your boys are stinkin' cute, even covered in sugar!!!!

Unknown said...

The best way to enjoy the trouble that kids get into is behind a camera. What a mess! I hope they enjoyed it.


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